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 SCBCD Certification Practice Test  

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Free SCBCD Certification Practice Questions:

Consider the following CMP entity beans and their corresponding relationships:

Based on the diagram, the following relationships exists across the entity beans:
1) CustomerEJB (1) <--> OrderEJB (n)
2) OrderEJB (1) <--> LineItemEJB (n)
3) CustomerEJB (1) <--> AddressEJB (n)

Which of the following EJB-QL statements can be used to return all orders which include a 'HDTV' as a line item?

A) SELECT OBJECT(o) FROM Order o, IN (o.lineItems) li
WHERE li.item_type='HDTV'

WHERE o.lineItems.item_type='HDTV'

WHERE lineItems.item_type='HDTV'

D) SELECT o FROM Order o, IN (o.lineItems) li
WHERE li.item_type='HDTV'

E) SELECT o FROM Order o
WHERE o.lineItems.item_type='HDTV'

  • [Ans: A]

  • In the SELECT clause, since the return type is a bean type (Order) and not a CMP field type, the OBJECT() operator needs to be used. In general, if the return type is the bean's abstract schema type in the SELECT clause, the OBJECT () operator should be used.

    For example:

    <abstract-schema-name> Order </abstract-schema-name>
    Select OBJECT (o) From Order o

    <field-name> item_type </field-name>
    SELECT li.item_type FROM LineItem li

    The IN operation must be used in the FROM clause, as the OrderEJB references a collection of LineItemEJB's. Specifically an Order can contain one or more Line Items. It is syntactically incorrect to compose a path expression from a path expression that evaluates to a collection.

    For example, since o designates Order, the path expression o.lineItems is illegal since navigation to lineItems results in a collection. To handle such a navigation, the IN operator should be used to range over the elements of the lineItems collection.

    Hence, the correct answer is:

    SELECT OBJECT(o) FROM Order o, IN (o.lineItems) li
    WHERE li.item_type='HDTV'

    References: http://java.sun.com/products/ejb/docs.html (EJB2.0 Specs, Section


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  HRCI Certifications :  PHR, SPHR, GPHR   |    PMI Certifications: PMP
Java Certifications :  SCWCD, SCBCD, SCJDWS, SCJP  | Security Certifications: CISSP, CISA